Count up to 100, starting at any number (for example, 13 or 27).
Count up to 20 objects accurately, touching each one as I count.
Write my numbers, 0-20.
Name shapes (triangle, circle, square, rectangle, hexagon, rhombus).
Use position words (for example, above, below, beside, in front of, behind, next to, between, over, under).
Compare objects (for example, longer/shorter, more/less, heavier/lighter)
How can I help my child learn math?
Count together! Fruit at the grocery store, ants crawling on the sidewalk, how many times they bounce a ball, etc.
Play with shapes. Encourage your child to experiment and create new shapes. Talk about them.
Play games. Describe things you see and have your child guess what it is. (For example, “I see something green behind the table.”)