Schools & Programs
Equity Stance
State Report Card
Title I
During the 2007 legislative session, Oregon legislators passed Senate Bill 379, “Child Abuse Training for School Employees, Parents and Students.” The law requires all school district and education service district employees to annually participate in child abuse prevention training.
Although most citizens are not mandatory reporters, we all have a responsibility to prevent child abuse and protect children. See the Oregon Department of Human Services booklet What you can do about child abuse.
The 2009 Oregon Legislative Assembly passed comprehensive legislation to address sexual grooming behavior (or “sexual conduct” ) by school employees toward students. As of July 1, 2010, all school district and education service district employees must annually participate in Staff to Students Sexual Misconduct training.
Our district is proactive in providing parents with information that benefits the health and safety of students and demonstrates our commitment to the wellbeing of all faculty, staff, students and visitors. Click here to enter our Parent InfoCenter and view key information such as:
Our staff training on the prevention and identification of child abuse (as required under Oregon SB 379).
Our staff training on the prevention, identification and obligations to report child abuse and employee sexual conduct (as required under Oregon HB 2062).
If you would like to volunteer or learn more about PFO and upcoming events and meetings, please contact one of the JWE PFO Officers:
President: Kristen Zimtbaum
Vice President: Dawn Slye
Secretary: Amy Seymour
Treasurer: Heidi Ramirez
New Graduation Requirements
Family Court Services’ Youth and Family Mediation Program