Schools & Programs
District departments
ODE required postings
We welcome you to join us at any regular meeting of your Gladstone School District Board of Directors!
You, as a taxpayer, are a stakeholder in a school district and community that values education. We seek your involvement in our schools to help us build on the vitality, strengths and achievements that make Gladstone a great school district.
Please consider this your opportunity to share your views with your School Board members and to stay abreast of all of the exciting initiatives underway.
As elected officials, the School Board represents you. We want to hear your thoughts and comments to help us make decisions which will reflect the needs and values of the community. We welcome your input whether it is oral or written.
It is a privilege to serve in a community that recognizes the importance of education.
Members of the public who intend to offer public comment to the Board can sign up for public comment via the public comment google form on the district website by 1 p.m. on the date of the meeting.
Members of the public will be called upon during the meeting to read their written statement for up to three minutes.
Prior to beginning any testimony, Individuals must state their first and last name.
Statements by members of the public should be concise. Public comments will be limited to three minutes. Longer submissions may be summarized. The Board chair will be the timer. The Board will attempt to call speakers in the order their comments were received.
The Board/Committee reserves the right to delay discussion of any item. The Board may move the item to later in the meeting or at a subsequent meeting.
Discussion or presentation concerning a published agenda item is limited to its designated place on the agenda.
At the discretion of the Chair, comments that are similar to each other in nature may be referred to in the number received and summarized.
Speakers may offer objective criticism of school operations and programs but the Board/Committee will not hear complaints concerning specific school personnel or students. Comments of this nature will not be heard. The Chair will direct the visitor to the appropriate means for Board/Committee consideration and disposition of legitimate complaints involving individuals.
These procedures will be published on the back of every virtual public meeting agenda.
Anyone needing assistance with submitting a public comment, may call the board secretary at 503-496-3935.
During meetings:
Please remember to place your cell phone on “silence” status.
Where does the Board meet?
The Gladstone School Board generally meets in the Gladstone School District Office located at 17789 Webster Road, unless otherwise announced.
When does the Board meet?
The regular meetings of the Board are held at 6 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month, including summer months. Some months the Board may meet on an alternate night or at a different time when there is a conflict with the regular schedule.
What does the Board do in an executive session?
During an executive session, the Board may discuss confidential matters such as personnel negotiations, student discipline issues (when it pertains to a specific student) and the sale or purchase of property (ORS 192.660). Board members do not make decisions or vote in executive sessions.
What is the Board’s role?
The seven member School Board is responsible for providing an educational program for the District’s students.
The primary job of the Board is to set district policy and establish planning priorities to provide a basis for administrative actions. The Board is not responsible for the day-to- day operation of the District. The Board is, however, responsible for hiring the superintendent, who is in turn, responsible for carrying out Board decisions, providing educational leadership, and managing the District’s budget and staff.
School Board members are elected officials and serve without pay. They do not have offices in school district buildings but must be residents of the District.
Why don’t Board members answer questions from citizens at Board meetings or ask me questions when I speak?
Lack of response at the time you make comments does not indicate lack of interest. The Board will listen carefully to your input and later gather information about the issues you are raising. Occasionally, the Board may ask you clarifying questions to make sure we understand your viewpoint. In almost all cases, the Board, or designee, will respond to your testimony and will fully consider your viewpoint before taking action. We believe it is critical that responses to questions be thorough and accurate; therefore, as a rule, the Board will not respond to questions immediately. A response will be provided at a later time, once there has been an opportunity for proper investigation and/or consideration.
Are there other ways I can express my views?
There are many ways to express your views. Speaking at a Board meeting is only one of them. You may also:
Call, write or e-mail a Board member;
Talk to a Board member or administrator following the Board meeting or during a break;
Call the superintendent’s office at 503-655-2777
Write or email the superintendent.
When you have questions about district operations, you may often find you can get your questions answered by contacting the District administrators. They will be happy to help you get the information you are seeking without waiting for a School Board meeting.