Schools & Programs
Families & Community
Health & Safety
Our understanding:
Skin color, race, and racial identity should never limit children’s opportunity to fulfill their highest potential. However, the . reality is that they have a daily impact on Gladstone students’ academic achievement, social inclusion, and self-esteem. Systemic racism impacts our school district, from curriculum and classroom management to discipline strategies, athletics, and activities.
Our commitment:
Gladstone Schools is committed to building a racially diverse, caring, and equitable school community where students of each race are valued as unique individuals. Each student will . be encouraged to reach their highest potential, celebrate their cultural heritage, and develop a love of learning, while feeling supported in educational, physical, emotional, and social needs.
Our approach:
The Gladstone District will . take daily, proactive steps to ensure students of color have academic success, safety, access, opportunities, representation, personal . connections and meaningful participation in our schools. Our expectation is that each team member grows in understanding and skill in overcoming the history and effects of racism.
Equity Lens questions:
When considering issues, plans, initiatives, programs, policies, curriculum, or events, administrators and staff will ask:
1. How does this impact each racial group? Or other non-dominate groups? Why?
2. How does this improve, maintain, ignore, or worsen racial or other equity impacts?
3. What barriers might this issue raise for each racial group, and how can they be overcome?
4. Considering the relevant data, what opportunities or gaps can we identify?
5. How will we include impacted populations in our analysis and decision process?
6. Is it possible race is involved and I can’t see it?